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Examine the impact of the West Wind on the land, the sky, the sea and the poet himself as described in the poem Ode to the West Wind?

Examine the impact of the West Wind on the land, the sky, the sea and the poet himself as described in the poem Ode to the West Wind?

The first three stanzas of the poem Ode to the West Wind are a single unit. Each of them describes the power of the wind over one of the elements- the earth, the sky and the sea. The last two stanzas form another unit, emphasis the relation between the wind and the poet. The first unit helps the poet to establish a personal relationship with the wind in the second unit where “He,” according to S. A Brooke, “passes from magnificent union of himself with Nature and magnificent realization of her storm and peace to equally great self- description, and then mingles all Nature and all himself together, that he may sing of the restoration of mankind.”

The first three stanzas which describe the impact of the wind on the land, the sky and the ocean are built up on the antithesis between the two powers of the wind- its terrifying powers of destruction and its gentle fostering influence.

The poem begins with an invocation to the West Wind, first as a spirit of destruction and creation which moves over the land sweeping away the old sowing seeds of new, next as the shower that moves the sky with fierce outburst of lightning of clouds and rains; and finally, as the inmost recesses of the oceans and fills it with the play of life and death............................................................................


Milan Tomic

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