Show that the main theme of Waiting for Godot is ‘waiting’.
Show that the main theme of Waiting for Godot is ‘waiting’.
that the main theme of Waiting for Godot is ‘waiting’.
Beckett’s play “En attendant Godot” is centred
around two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, who are waiting for the arrival
of “Godot”, someone they admit they know little about and might not even
recognise when he presents himself “Estragon – Pour ma part je ne le
reconnaitrais meme pas” ( “En attendant Godot” p.29). I believe that this
illustrates that the identity of “Godot” is irrelevant and that what is in fact
an important element is the act of waiting for someone that never arrives. The
human condition is defined as something which “encompasses all of the
experience of being human. As mortal entities, there are a series of biologically
determined events that are common to most human lives and some that are
inevitable for all.” (Wikipedia) and the act of waiting is certainly one of
those experiences.
In the play Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for the
arrival of someone they call “Godot”, he never arrives and while Estragon and
Vladimir wait on stage, the audience wait in their seats. I believe the play
would have been equally effective entitled “E n attendant”, this title depicts
the true subject of the play as it dramatises the events that unfold during the
characters wait for “Godot” but never his actual arrival.
In the play the chief protagonists’ wait for “Godot”; for something to relieve
their boredom. “Godot” can be understood as one of the many things in life
people wait for. Through the course of the play Vladimir and Estragon keep
trying to think of ways to entertain themselves while they wait.
“Vladimir – Qu’est ce qu’on fait maintenant ?
Estragon – on attend.
Vladimir – oui, mais en attendant ?
Estragon – Si on se pendait ?
Vladimir – Ce serait un moyen de bander”
(“En attendant Godot” p.20).....................................................................................................................
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