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Assess the contribution of the major Indian English poets. How have these poets enriched the genre of Indian English Poetry?

Assess the contribution of the major Indian English poets. How have these poets enriched the genre of Indian English Poetry?



Indian English poetry is the oldest form of Indian English literature, which has the attained, both fecundity and excellence of cross monestry. It represents various phases‟ development of our multitudinous cultural and national life right from the beginning of the nineteenth to the mid nineties of the twentieth century. It has three phases of development. In the first phase there is a number of co-development which is responsible for generating Indian English poetry. The early pioneers-Henry Derozio, Michael Madusudan Dutt, Toru Dutt, B.M.Malahari, S.C.Dutt and R.C.Dutt-were the trend setters who began to poetize the Indian echoes in a foreign language. Although their efforts were imitative and derivative of English poetry, they successfully gave a new direction to Indian poetry in English by writing on Indianhistory, myths and legends. This phase is called imitative phase. The poets of 1850 to1900 were trying how to establish this part of poetry. They have followed the British Romantics and Victorian poets.

The second phase of poets is the assimilative. This period starts from 1947. They were compulsive nationalist seeking to project the renascent consciousness of India caught in the maelstrom of historical conflict and turmoil and change, and culminating in the attainment of political freedom in 1947, self-expression was all important to the poets of imitation self-definition , accompanied by heart-searching probing into the cultural inheritance became the genuine concern of the poets of assimilation. The early poets were projecting landscapes, moods, fancies and dreams, while their followers sought a more radical assurance of their sense of origins and their sense of destiny. Toru Dutt and Sarojini Naidu constitute a kind of watershed between these two phases, in that they share their predecessor‟s individual nostalgia as well as their successor‟s sense of crisis and quest of identity.Toru Dutt is the inheritor of unfulfilled renown and the saint poets.

Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramtirtha, Swami Yogananda, Sri Aurbindo and Rabindranath Tagore left a body of poetry which is glorious summation of Indian‟s hoary cultural spiritual and methodological heritage which dates back to the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita. In their poetry they endeavoured to nativize English language in order to make it a befitting instrument for the expression of Indian sensibility..............................................................................


Milan Tomic

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