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NSOU - Netaji Subhas Open University BDP & PG English Coaching
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“The Restoration period shows a significant variety of developments in prose forms ... .” Elucidate.

“The Restoration period shows a significant variety of developments in prose forms ... .” Elucidate.

The Restoration Age was an important era in the development of English prose. It was the period when English prose moved from antiquity to modernity. The prose before the Restoration Age is characterised by word-excess, complexity etc.

But prose in and after the Restoration Age has the modern qualities of clarity, precision and simplicity. With the development of Restoration Age, English prose moves speedily towards being strictly functional. It cuts down all unnecessary ornamentation.



With the social change, linguistic change in the Restoration Age also went hand in hand. With the stability in society, came the stability in language. The period saw a transition from the turbulence of antiquity to stability and balance of the new times. The transition was the sum-total of many complex forces.

Critical Interest

Critical interest in Restoration Prose was shown for the first time in the History of English Literature. Although critical interest in the poetry was popular from a much earlier period, such interest in prose is visible only in this period.

Before this, the rules of English Grammar and syntax were dynamic. In Restoration Age, the need for stabilising the English language was voiced by many eminent writers like Dryden.................TO GET COMPLETE STUDY MATERIAL JOIN NSOU ENGLISH COACHING


Milan Tomic

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