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NSOU- Netaji Subhas Open University BDP 1st Year EEG 8 Assignment Solved 2020

BDP Assignment,
December-2019 & June-2020
Elective Course
ENGLISH ( New Syllabus ), (8th Paper),
Indian Writing in English : EEG-8

1. Answer any two of the following : 20 × 2 = 40

a) What were the major zones of contact between British and Indian Cultures ? Show
how each of these worked in the development of Indian Writing in English.Click Here

b) Would you consider “An Introduction” as a poem of postcolonial feminism ? Give a
reasoned analysis with close textual references.Click Here

c) How does R. K. Narayan foreground the defects of the contemporary education
system in The English Teacher ?Click Here

d) Show how Mahesh Dattani’s play Tara makes interesting use of stage space to
challenge audience assumptions.Click Here

2. Answer any three of the following : 12 × 3 = 36

a) On what grounds can you consider post-independence Indian English poetry an
evolution from its first phase ?Click Here

b) Critically analyse A. K. Ramanujan’s poem “A River”.Click Here

c) Discuss the element of intertextuality in the title of Anita Desai’s novel Fire on the
Mountain.Click Here

d) Show how Haroun and the Sea of Stories is much more than a simple children’s
story.Click Here

e) What generational perspectives does Meenakshi Mukherjee offer into the ‘anxiety’ of Indian English Writers ?Click Here

f) Analyse “Escape from Java” as a father-son narrative.Click Here

3. Answer any four of the following : 6 × 4 = 24

a) Write a brief note on Cosmopolitanism in Indian Writing in English.Click Here

b) Explain the following lines with reference to the context :

The best poets wait for words
The hunt is not an exercise of will.Click Here

c) What is the conflict that the poet hints at in the poem “Remembrance” ?Click Here

d) How does Susila contact typhoid ? What measures were prescribed to her for
remission ?Click Here

e) Why is Nanda Kaul uncomfortable with Raka at Carignano ?Click Here

f) How did Rashid Khalifa lose his storytelling abilities ? What happened to him then ?Click Here

g) Why does Meenakshi Mukherjee say that a Bhasha writer is free from “the larger
burden of culture, tradition, and civilization” ?Click Here

h) What is the significance of the animals that are mentioned in “India : A Fable” ?Click Here

Milan Tomic

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