Write an essay on the women novelists of the Victorian period.
The Victorian era is known for the galaxy of female
novelists that it threw up. They include Mrs. Trollope, Mrs. Gore, Mrs. Marsh
Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Henry Wood, Charlotte Yonge, Mrs. Oliphant, Mrs. Lynn Lynfon,
M. E. Braddon, “Ouida,” Rhoda Broughton, Edna Lyall, and still many more now
justly forgotten, but the four most important women novelists, who yet are
quite important, are :
Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)
Emile Bronte (1818-1848)
Mrs. Gaskell (1810-1865)
George Eliot (1819-1880)
Gaskell may need some special pleading for being included among the rank of the
great women novelists of the Victorian era, but as for the rest, their place in
the history of English literature appears to be secure enough. Of the four, the
two first-named were sisters and their methods and achievements as novelists
met at many planes. But each of the remaining two pursued her own line and made
herself known in the field of English novel in her own particular way.
these preliminary remarks, let us consider individually the work and
achievement of the important women novelists of the Victorian era.
Charlotte Bronte:
The three Bronte sisters-Anne, Charlotte, and Emily-collectively known
often as the “stormy sisterhood,” who took the England of their time
by storm, were in actual life shy and isolated girls with rather uneventful
lives. All of them died young and died of tuberculosis as their two other
“non-literary” sisters did. ................
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